Congratulations, you're one step closer to landing your job. Here's how we'll start the journey together.

First, we're going to need some information. We work with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to help people find work within their community, but they need some basic things to determine if you're eligible to receive services. It's free and easy and we can assist you in that process. 

If you already have a referral, welcome! Here's what we're going to do together:


Meet with your Job Developer to identify workplace themes, your strengths and weaknesses, and allow them to get to know you better.



JDP find jobs based on each job seeker's interests, skills, and talents to ensure each job seeker finds a job that is a right fit for them. Job seekers preferences and experience drive the job development process. Finding a job that fits the job seeker and the employer is a critical component of successful employment.


Job preparation is a purposeful and individualized support process to address barriers or limitations to employment. By identifying and addressing each issue the job seeker and job developer can reduce, manage, or eliminate these barriers to increase the job seekers chances of meeting their vocational goals.


These allow you to immerse yourself in the actual environment to get a feel for the workplace and ask questions. A great opportunity for you to see what the job entails with no pressure or commitment.  


When you are invited to a formal interview, we can help set you up for success before hand. We'll conduct pre-interview coaching, advise on professional appearance, and, if you need it, attend the interview with the employer to help facilitate.


Once you have the job, we can provide as little or as much on the job support as needed. We work with you and your new employer to ensure independent, long term success.